
Primary School



20th October

admin on: Reception

A busy week of Autumn weather again.

Vocab words this week  : hibernation       swirling and twirling 

A freezing start to the week so I was hoping for some Autumn coloured leaves but no luck! as the weather warmed up.

We did get out into the woods and make an art collage of a hedgehog from natural materials we found.

We began our subitising journey looking at groups of 1 2 3 without counting them.

We used a 5 frame (which can be found on my Reception class web page or just draw one on a piece of paper) to place the object on, starting with the left empty box and put one conker in each box to fill it.

When it is full there is 5. - no need to count

We looked at 3 and how many spaces were left on the 5 frame. They can tell you this without counting!

We then had to make 2. What do we need to do? 'Take one away' some one said. 'Yes that right, so 2 is a smaller amount than 3'. We continued with questions like this.

So much maths with 3 conkers and a 5 frame.

We painted with sticks. Printed with leaves and fingers this week.

Learning 5 more phonics sounds total 25 now!

Blending w-e-t   w-e-b. v-a-n.    v-e-t.    j-a-m-   j-e-t-

Autumn Hedgehog

Using 5 frames 

subitising small groups of 1 2 3 

Funky finger - fine motor control strengthening

Revising patterns in own play

Building animal homes.

Please look at the assignments of teams for next week book!

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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13th October

admin on: Reception

The warm weather this week has been lovely for the children to play outside.

Thank you for collecting lots of lovely signs of Autumn on your walks. We used them for talking time and making patterns.

Words of the week were : Harvest festival     Kindness

The story we have been retelling is The Little Red Hen!

We have been making patterns with natural objects and printing a pattern with objects.

It has been mental health awareness week so we have been thinking about things that make us happy.

In the woods we made some happy faces with natural objects.

We have now learnt 20 sounds we are half way though set 1.

We will be quizzing the children next week on the ones they have remembered.

Here are some highlights.

Colour mixing

Team work for making our hen!


Using our noticing skills to talk about the objects


Thank you for all you support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

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6th October

admin on: Reception


This week we have been talking and looking at lots different sorts of families. We realise we are all unique and all different.

Vocab of the week : Family Friends Unique

We talked about the difference between friends and family.

In maths we identified different ways to measure objects.

Longer than

Shorter than

Bigger than 

smaller than

more / fewer

We also met our buddies this week!

What an exciting week.

Please bring in Autumn objects of our display next week: acorns, conkers, special leaves, any signs of Autumn.

We also talked about harvest and learnt some new songs.

Here are  few highlights.

Drawing our family

Measuring with different size containers 

Our families are all different but all live in our community

measuring : longer than shorter than

NFU Harvest live show

Letter formation

Thank you for your support at home. 

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

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29th September

admin on: Reception


Another week has flown by with lots of  new learning opportunities going on. This week we have been teaching the children  the next set of letters - i n p g o c.

Words of the week were : sorting   senses

Please go on a woodland walk, collect objects and sort them into various groups.

Practise blending little words with the sounds we have covered.

Sad mat tin pin got .....

Next week we are looking at families and talking about this topic. Learning everyone has sorts different families. 





Searching and describing 

Thank you for your support at home.

The Reception Team

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22nd September

admin on: Reception

What a week of learning.

This weeks words are EMOTIONS and RULES

We have done the first 5 sounds from the RWI phonics scheme.

m a s d t

You can blend little words to make m-a-t  mat

s-a-t sat

m-a-d mad


Please practise reminding the children of these sounds as we will have another 5 next week.

In maths we have been matching but to match you need to notice what is the same and what is different.

You can do this easily in the woods looking for matching leaves.

We have been learning about emotions and naming them, how they make us feel, and things that happen to give us that emotion.

Ask the children about this.

What makes you feel?

Here  are a few highlights.

Emotion Monsters


Outside exploring

We also went into the woods to look at all the leaves which have fallen as this week is the start of Autumn.

Next week we are looking at senses.

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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