
Primary School



Coordinator  Mrs M Clayton

As is typical at Netherthong, we strive for excellence and for all pupils to achieve their full potential in mathematics. Our aim is for children to leave as confident, skilled and resilient mathematicians, understanding that mathematics is an important aspect of life beyond school.

Mathematics is central to everyday life and with this in mind, we intend to offer a quality mathematics curriculum which is inclusive and caters to the needs of every individual. We intend to offer rich and vibrant opportunities in mathematics which draw on real-life experiences.

The purpose of the mathematics curriculum at Netherthong Primary School is to equip children with fluency across areas of arithmetic which can then be applied to unfamiliar problems, mathematical reasoning and logical and systematic thinking.

We intend for pupils to use a variety of tools to aid their understanding through a combination of concrete, pictorial and abstract resources as well as a collaborative approach that embraces the ‘working progress’ when it comes to solving mathematic problems.

At Netherthong Primary School, we use the Early Years Statutory Framework in Reception and the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Key Stages 1 and 2 to determine what to teach. Teachers are aware of what the children have learnt before as well as what they are expected to know in subsequent years and consider this when planning mathematics in their year group.

In Reception, through a combination of child and adult-led activities, the children focus on a deep understanding of numbers with real-life examples; being able to ‘subitise’ (or recognise an amount without counting); counting beyond 20; numerical patterns; and automatic recall of certain number facts. Concrete and pictorial representations are frequently used throughout Reception.

In Key Stages 1 and 2, mathematics is bespoke to our school using the National Curriculum as our starting point. The approach from Reception up to Year 6 incorporates objects, pictures, words, numbers and symbols to help children explore and demonstrate mathematical ideas, enrich their learning experience and deepen understanding. Together, these elements help cement knowledge so pupils truly understand what they’ve learnt.

Throughout the year, key concepts such as place value and fractions are frequently returned to through a combination of arithmetic starters (known as ‘daily questions’) and a scheme of work that states when areas of mathematics are returned to. Many lessons embrace collaborative work where children work together to improve fluency, discuss their reasoning or solve a problem. Children are frequently encouraged to explain ‘how’ they arrived at an answer and mathematic discussions are found throughout school.

Mathematics is also understood to contain skills that weave across many different subjects. The use of mathematics is particularly encouraged in design and technology, science and geography.

In every lesson, formative assessment is frequently used to determine the children’s understanding and look at their next steps. Teachers are encouraged to ‘live mark’ in lessons to give children instant feedback whilst identifying and correcting misconceptions early on. We believe in all children keeping up with the programme of study and so employ same-day intervention for children who need additional time on a concept to ensure they are ready for the next step.

Once a term, pupils in Years 3-5 complete an NFER summative assessment task whilst Years 2 and 6 complete at least two rounds of practice SATs a year. Year 1 also complete an NFER summative assessment task in the Summer. Teachers analyse the results and plan future lessons and interventions based on the gaps evident in these assessments. Data analysis is also undertaken by the mathematics coordinator to identify patterns and trends and to address the needs of our school. The subject is monitored through a combination of this data analysis, book looks, learning walks and lesson drop-ins and conversations with pupils.

As a result of mathematics teaching at Netherthong, we expect all pupils to reach their maximum potential by having high expectations and standards for all. Children at Netherthong are engaged in mathematics and can talk confidently about the subject. The atmosphere of lessons in mathematics is supportive, collaborative and energised. Learning in tracked through a combination of summative assessments and teacher judgements. Teachers are confident in teaching mathematics at Netherthong and have progress for all pupils at the heart of their approach. Children leave Netherthong ready for the next stage of their education in mathematics.

 Maths Scheme of Work
 Maths Vocabulary.pdfDownload
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Maths for adults
