
Primary School



3rd March

admin on: Reception

Sorry I am not sure where my blog went for this week so I will just add the photos again?

Thank you to Grayson for bring in real 'SPACE FOOD!'to try.

Space themed art

Designing Aliens

Designing Robots

Getting ready for the 'heads Project'

Thank you for all your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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24th February

admin on: Reception

Welcome back!

This is the start of our Fantasy Stories Topic for a couple of weeks.

Let's see where it takes us?

The children have been really excited about it this week as we have started with ' Whatever next" story book about a teddy who goings to the moon.

Here are a couple of highlights.

We have also started to look at the composition of number 6,7,8 using our subitising skills.

On Tuesday we had a traditional pancake mixing and recognising all the ingredients.

We also listen to an online story telling event all about our Well-being.

Thank you for your support at home,

Mrs Oddy and the Team

Building a Space Station

Moon and stars

Space Pictures

Different ways to make 6,7,8

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10th February

admin on: Reception

Last week of the first Spring term 1 and at last we are starting to hear those familiar song bird sound in the air.

We have had a super half term reading many 'Traditional Tales' with plenty of opportunities for role play.

Here are a few highlights from this very busy last week of ' The Three Billy Goats Gruff'

Experimenting with how to make a bridge with just paper

Printing our Monet Bridges

Making a curved arc like the bridges

Role play and building their own bridges

Making a road net work

Carful cutting out to make troll masks

Have a lovely holiday and thank you for all your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

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3rd March

admin on: Reception

Well March is  turning out to be a very busy month.

We have World Book Day on Wednesday which as a fun day reading and being read to with our buddies.

We are still learning about space and this week focussed on fantasy stories thinking about what an Alien might look like.

We also tried some space food from Grayson! Wow!!!

Here are a few highlights.

Getting ready for the art project

20th/21st and 24th March (Friday) 9-10am

Thank you for all your support at home,

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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3rd February

admin on: Reception

Its been the tale of, 'The Three little pigs this week.

What fun we have had building houses, mixing the colour pink and  retelling the story in our own words.

We have also talked about why farmer keep pigs and what foods come from pigs, bacon, ham, pork sausages and sausage rolls.

Here are a few highlights.

We are started decomposing 6 this week looking at all the different ways to make 6.

Try this at home maths activity at home.

Making 6.

Thank you for your support at home.

Next week will be 'The 3 Billy Goats Gruff'

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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