
Primary School



26th May

admin on: Reception

What a quick term that has been with the bank holidays and many exciting events.

i hope you can all see the enormous progress  your child has made since September all on their own individual journeys.

The children have loved retelling the story of Rosies walk this week.

They have been learning about doubling in maths using concrete objects such as dominos's, mirrors and matching dots.

We have had a great time learning new racket skills in our tennis session with the coach and ball skills on a Friday in the big hall.

Here are a few highlights.

Have a fantastic holiday and we are being blessed with super weather!

Thank you for all your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team!

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19th May

admin on: Reception

Its been a busy week thinking about what part of a plant we eat and why it is important to eat fruit and vegetables.

Vocab words have been exercise and  poisonous.

Which parts of plants are poisonous? We found out that potato and rhubarb leaves are poisonous.

Below is a class poster to show which plants grow under ground and which grow over ground. We looked really carefully are the real vegetables when we drew them.

Growing Sunflowers

Making shapes and thinking of what properties make it its shape name.

Shapes patterns in the sun

Hexagon shapes to make flowers

Green Man sculpture

Thank you for all your support.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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May 12th

admin on: Reception

What a relaxing week we have had after the Coronation over the weekend.

It was Wesack/Vesack on the 5th May a celebration of Buddha's Birthday.

We looked at the way Buddhists celebrate around the world.

We have been trying relax and be calm this week with special breathing and stillness.

4 We are learning about the story of Buddha and how he meditates to calm his mind which is  good life skill to have. We have been doing Yoga in P.E. 

Painting Buddha under the Bodhi Tree.

Making Bodhi trees

Friday's Proms in the Play ground.

Outdoor learning.

Thankyou for your support at home,

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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5th May Coronation

admin on: Reception

What a week of celebration.

The King's Coronation.

Vocabulary of the week was : Coronation and Past, Present and Future thinking here about the Queen Elizabeth, King Charles and future King William.

We have thoroughly embraced this, once in a life time event ready for the weekend. It helps us talk about, present and future events and why we have a king and queen. We also talk about families and think about our own family. 

We talk about the traditions of royal parties in the past and what we might do to celebrate within our community.

In mathematics we  have been adding on and combining two numbers within 10 to to make a new total.

In the woods we have been re-enacting the parade of the King and Queen and making crowns with natural resources. 

We have a fantastic Coronation Tea party with Mrs parker and Mrs Hemingway on Wednesday. 

We finished the week with the Prom's in the play ground.

What a busy week.

Enjoy the bank holiday!

Mrs Oddy and the Team

Small world narrative

Looking at families and talking about our own.

Thinking about the past present and future pictures.

Playing a counting on game with a number track and dice.

Constructing a castle.

Sorting out the shapes.

Constructing on the cutting and sticking table.

Building a castle. How proud do they look!

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28th April

admin on: Reception

Welcome to another week of activities in Reception.

We have been planting sunflower seeds.

Learning about what plants need to grow.

Looking at taller and smaller than objects.

Learning and understanding how to write teen numbers.

Tennis skills outside with the coach.

 Athletics skills inside.

Writing instructions of how to plants seeds.

Learning about Vincent Van Gogh.

Thank - you again for all your support!

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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