
Primary School



Home Learning Thursday 7th May

admin on: Reception

Thank-you for keeping in touch!

Thursday 7th May – Food diary


Go Noodle/Joe Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

PHONICS  and Reading (Oxford owl ebooks available)

Handwriting: b h n m


Red words:  I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you, saw, how, was, they, some, come, are – New red word : water

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the oy  sound

Have a go at reading these words.




Hold the sentence: A toy to enjoy.



 NUMBER - 2 activities available

-Make your own shape hunt looking for and describing 2D and 3D shape properties.

-Another good challenge is to make 2D shapes outside with sticks.

How many sticks do we need to make a triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon and  pentagon?

Challenge is to make a 3D pyramid or cube you can use string or to secure corners.

Maths seeds is also available.

 TOPIC – Food diary

Make a salad for lunch or tea with what you have available.

Talk about which part of the plants you are eating. It can be arranged in a creative way.

 Remember many plants and berries you see if your gardens can be can poisonous.

You must never eat plants in your garden unless a grown up tells you you can. Leave them for the birds!

 See below.

Thank - you for all your support and being in touch with us all via email. 

Tomorrow is VE day. You would not have been at school nevertheless I will post the usual day with a few VE activities if you would like something to do. It might be nice to plan your own VE day party with your family. Elle has made buns and special labels to go on them. 

Take care,

Mrs Oddy

 Please see the link below for information on Netherthong Race for Life:

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Remote Learning Wednesday 6th May

admin on: Reception

Wednesday 6th May


Go noodle/Jo Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

PHONICS  and Reading (Oxford owl ebooks available)

Handwriting: k p r u

 Red words:  I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you saw  how  was  they some come are – New red word : water

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the ou  sound

Have a go at reading these words.







Hold a sentence: I can shout loud.



2 activities today.

You need a selection of vegetables and objects  which are 3D shapes.

e.g carrot (Cone), pea (Sphere), leak/green bean (cylinder), potatoes (egg), brocholi (cone) courgette (cylinder) onion (sphere) cereals box (cuboid) ect

-Can you name and sort the 3D objects in to 2 groups.

Roll or slide? test them on a slope

Curved edges or straight?

Test each shape to see if it can roll or slide.

-NEXT; have a go at drawing 2D shapes.

 Think about how many straight sides a triangle has?

 A square needs 4 equal sides.

 A rectangle needs two short straight sides and two longs straight sides.

A circle has no corners.

-For fun convert them into little pictures adding eyes and nose to make a face.

Mathseeds is set up and available   - shape tasks


To day we are going to look at what a vegetables/plants need to grow?

Here is a power point to explain. You might have books at home with this information?

What do plants need to grow?

What did you find out?

You could always to an experiment with cress seeds to see in what they need to grow?

Water/no water


Thank - you for your support today.

Mrs Oddy

Tomorrow you can have a go at making a salad so you might want to get some ingredients in.

 Please see the link below for information on Netherthong Race for Life:




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Tuesday 5th May Remote Learning

admin on: Reception

Great photos!

Tuesday 5th May


Go Noodle/Joe Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

PHONICS  and Reading

Handwriting: e f s j

 Red words:  I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you, saw, how, was, they, some, come, are – New red word : water

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the ir  sound

Have a go at reading these words.







Hold the sentence :(just choose which one is appropriate for your child at this time) The girl. The bird. The girl saw a bird.The bird looks for seeds in the dirt.

You can make up your own sentence using the ir soundjust make sure your child is not just copying your sentence they are working out how to spell the little words themselves. (Lots of praise)

2      c-ow   z-oo    c-ar    

3      sh-ar-k  s-u-n    p-a-th

4      b-r-i-ck


3 Activities available today

Play the game,- I am thinking of a shape.

-Start to draw the start of a shape and your child has to guess what shape it is.

Start with the 2D then onto 3D. You can then swap over with your child.

-If Lego is available you need 5/6 bricks of two identical piles.

You build a small model with a few bricks. Your child has to copy it exactly. You then swap over, your child builds and you copy. (make a mistake and  see if your child notices.).


Start with 5 identical bricks each a different shape and colour. Place a barrier between you and your child(large book).

One of you builds a small model without the other seeing.

You then describe the model to the other person and see if they can build an identical model by listening to your description.

Look out for misconceptions/incorrect use of language.

TOPIC- Add to your food diary


Please explain to your child that most plants and berries in  your garden are poisonous to humans.

They must NOT eat them they can make you very ill and sick. We can only eat vegetables that are safe.

Look at the power point of  which parts of a plant we eat if available.

Which parts of a plant do we eat?

Have a look at a selection of vegetables and decide which are leaves, stems, flower or roots?

Sort some vegetables available to you into groups.

Which grow below ground or above ground?

Which have leaves or roots?

Super work today well done.

Mrs Oddy



  Please see the link below for information on Netherthong Race for Life:

Thank -you so much for your support. I will be in school next Tuesday running round the field.

Mrs Oddy





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Woof to you all!

admin on: Reception

Image preview

I hope you are all ok and staying safe. I'm still staying at home. We are having fun and having extra cuddles here.

I had a really special weekend because it was my 10th birthday! Wow, I ate so many sausages! I had loads of balloons, a sausage cake and a dinosaur party with games! We even had dog music, my favourite. Lucky for me the weather was lovely and we got to have a picnic in our garden. I wore a party hat but only for a few minutes because it made my ears tickle. My family asked me to wait to open my presents until the morning and it was hard because I could sniff the tasty treats inside! Afterwards, I had a lovely long sleep and dreamt about running and barking to the hokey cokey. I enjoy that dance and know all of the moves.

I can't wait until I see you again at school and we can chat about our time staying at home and all the things we've done with our families. I hope you and your families are ok and hope to see you woofy soon.

Love and paws,

Mr Curly Wurly xxx

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Monday 4th May

admin on: Reception

Morning everyone!

Monday 4th May remote learning

A big thank-you to everyone for getting in touch last week. It is important that we keep in regular contact with all the members of our class.

Just to ease confusion, Mrs Hemingway and myself both can read and respond to emails from the address.

If you want to talk to one of us in particular just add our names to the email. 

Here are a few photos I received on Friday.

Monday 4th May


Go Noodle/Joe Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

(Drew and myself have started doing the 30 day yoga challenge on YouTube!)

PHONICS  and Reading (Oxford owl ebooks available)

Handwriting: b h n m

 Red words:  I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you, saw, how, was, they, some, come, are – New red word : water

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the air  sound

Have a go at reading these words.








 Hold the sentence: I can brush my hair.



 NUMBER – This week we are exploring pattern and shapes.

We touched on this last week with the African patterns.

Vocabulary: shape, flat, curved, straight, solid, hollow, corner, face, side, edge, end, cube, pyramid, cone, sphere.

Here is a fun activity to try. Kims game.

You need a selection of 3D shaped objects. Tin, box, tube, dice, pyramid could be tricky, ball.

Name them all then hide them all under a piece of material.

Take one away without your child looking. They then have to guess the missing shape and describe a features.

E.g  I think it’s the cube it has 6 faces. It has 8 corners. It has 12 edges. It does not roll it slides.

Take it in turns.

Build with Lego. You might want to repeat one of Miss Hemingway’s Lego challenges.

-Mathseeds is available I have added a shape lesson this week.


Start a food diary writing down all the fruit and vegetables or food you eat this week.

Explain that this is called a list. e.g




Salad- cucumber, lettuce, plum tomatoes

Potatoes, peas, carrots.

Don’t worry too much about spellings of the fruit and vegetables.

 If this is available watch: The story of Oliver's Vegetables

by  Alison Bartlett and Vivian French

Recite the days of the week.

Can you remember the order of the vegetables?








Talk about the different vegetables you have in your house/garden and find out which countries they might have come from if they are not grown in the UK.

Can you find these countries on a map?

Good work today well done.

Mrs Oddy.

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