
Primary School


Class 5

Friday 28th April 2023`

admin on: Class 5

Another incredible week here in Year 5! We have been jam-packed with so many exciting lessons from researching, preparing and delivering our own group presentations, to various science experiments, orienteering and boxercise PE lessons and our lovely music lessons with Mr Whiteman.

We have had two weeks of working with our amazing new teaching assistant Mrs Robb who the children have all taken to so well and she has EVEN managed to learn everyone’s name in class already! (We did test her on names this week).

I have been so impressed with Class 5’s enthusiasm to their different lessons this half term coupled with their impeccable behaviour. I am so proud! Great work, as always, Class 5!

This week’s blog was written by our very own, Isla, Daniel and Oscar, however, unfortunately upon completion of their wonderful work, their laptop decided to have a little bit of a moment and deleted everything!! I have tried in vein to recover the work but I'm afraid I have not been able to.

Hopefully they will get to re-write it at some point next week to be able to share their point of view of the week with you all. 

In absence of their words, I have uploaded extra pictures for you to have a look through which show what we got up to this week. 

Please enjoy. 

Miss Eastwood, Daniel, Isla & Oscar. 

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Friday 21st April 2023

admin on: Class 5

I can’t believe we are in our summer term already! The year is really flying by and my amazing Class 5 children have started the week with an incredible attitude to their learning and fabulous behaviour as always. Well done Class 5! This week’s blog has been written by our very own Jack and Ella. We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it. Enjoy! 


 On Monday, in English we were preparing for our SATS extra early by answering SATS style questions and reading Dodge and the Tornado. The question was to know how to get 3 marks in SATS. Here is an example of on of the questions. Using evidence from the text, give two examples of how the author builds a sense of danger surrounding the impending storm (3 marks).The next day, we did another comprehension to do with SATS. The question was to know a characters traits using evidence from the text.

This week in Maths, we were learning how to draw 3D shapes on isometric paper. At first it didn’t really work because we used the wrong type of isometric paper but then Miss Eastwood printed the right paper. The next day, we learnt how to solve problems involving nets of 3D shapes. We carried on today and found it quite enjoyable.

In Topic we started our new topic about different natural resources. The resources are Agricultural which is all to do with different types of farming, Geological which is all about resources that can be found under the ground. Wind energy is where wind is converted into electricity. Solar power is created by using the sun power like electricity. Geothermal energy is a way of converting heat from underground volcanos into heating and electricity. Hydropower is a way of creating electricity by using water. They are better than fossil fuels because they don’t produce carbon dioxide which is bad for the environment.

In PSHE we learnt about a girl’s period. In class we were just talking about the changes and what it is. We talked about that we would need to wear deodorant and what tampons and pads were. In RE we learnt about why Abraham was important to Christians. We answered questions that Mrs Kendal wrote on the board like why did he have to leave his home, family and friends and why did he get chosen by God to leave.

Altogether we have had a really great first week back, we are excited about our news topics and looking forward to learning more.

Jack and Ella

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Friday 21st March 2023

admin on: Class 5

I can’t believe I am writing the end of Spring 2 term blog! We are over half way through Year 5 and time really is flying!

We have had a fantastic half term this time around, learning more about our topic of Rainforests focussing on the Maya civilisation. The children have learned how to play Pok ta Pok – a traditional Mayan ball game, all about Mayan culture, architecture and lifestyle before finishing the half term off by welcoming in you parents to try some of the incredible Mayan inspired food dishes that they created themselves. This really was a highlight of the half term and the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience of cooking for their families. Not only that but they blew me away with their culinary skills, I think we definitely have some future Bake Off or MasterChef stars in our class!

One thing that I have been immensely proud of the class for this half term is also their maturity. In Science we have been learning about Animals, Including Humans which involved us looking at the human lifecycle from fertilisation, through childhood, puberty, adulthood and old age. Some of these topics can be a little tricky but the children have been enthusiastic, insightful, inquisitive and very mature in their approach to learning them. A huge well done, Class 5!

We have also spent the half term completing our Spring assessments which can always be a little bit daunting or even a little tiring for some children. Our amazing Y5 class have completely taken them in their stride though, putting in 100% effort and showing, yet again, how amazing they are!

Finally, our last day of half term has been jam packed with fun and excitement with it being BREAK THE RULES DAY! Children came in football shirts, fancy dress, non-uniform, with crazy hairstyles and nail varnish! It has been amazing to see all of the children dressed up, having such fun. I myself even came into school with a ‘crazy’ Princess Leia style hairdo too. As a final Easter treat we finished today with a came of Easter Bingo and told each other Easter themed jokes and facts at the end of the day.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and I am already looking forward to getting stuck into next half term with exciting topics such as ‘Our World’ and ‘Properties and Changed of Materials’.

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 24th March 2023

admin on: Class 5

ANOTHER incredible week here in Year 5. This week I have been truly blown away by the maturity and sensible attitudes that all members of our class have shown. They have grown and progressed so much this year and I am very proud of each and every one of them.

This week’s blog has been written by our very own Toby and Alex G. We hope you have as much fun reading it, as they did writing it.

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On Monday for English we wrote a chapter based on The Great Kapok Tree which is a book about a man (logger) who falls asleep from trying to cut down the tree and when he falls asleep the animals whisper in his ear.

On Tuesday for English we were starting chapter 2 which we had to write using Year 5&6 spelling words where a sloth and viper were talking to the men in our own version.

For maths we were solving division and multiplication word problems which most people found extremely tricky but we all persevered and by the end of the lesson, most people felt like they had improved in this area.  

In science we are learning about puberty and the stages of puberty and ages of life. We also learnt about in science what changes we go through during puberty. We started this lesson on Tuesday by having a grown up and sensible discussion, before completing the lesson on Friday where we had to label the different changes that boys and girls go through during puberty. Miss Eastwood was so impressed with how sensible we all were, that she gave us each 3 raffle tickets!

On Wednesday in the morning we were doing PSHE where we learnt about secrets and the importance of them. Later that morning, in RE we wrote our own stories based on the value of forgiveness. At the start of the afternoon on Wednesday we were doing cricket during our PE lesson with Miss Eastwood where we were practising our bowling skills. We finished off the day by doing more English work, adding more chapters to our story of The Great Kapok Tree.

On Thursday we practised for our grammar test by doing 2 litz blitz! Lots of children moaned about this to begin with but actually, by the end of the lesson, almost everyone said they felt like they had progressed and learned something new. In Maths on Thursday we were multiplying decimals by whole numbers. In PE we did gymnastics where we learnt 5 new moves. To finish off the day we did brass where we recapped pieces of music.

On Friday we did two spelling tests one of them was our usual weekly spelling test, the other was a test to test our knowledge of spelling from this year. We had also had an early morning merits assembly where we unfortunately had to say goodbye to Miss Lindley and Alex G and Toby won the merits for class 5.

Finally, in topic we learnt about what kinds of foods the Mayans ate which heled up prepare for our cooking lesson on Monday next week where we will be making or very own Maya inspired dishes.

By Alex G and Toby.

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Friday 17th March 2023

admin on: Class 5

Class 5 Blog


We have had yet another lovely week here in Class 5. We began the week by celebrating British Science Week with the children working with all other classes in KS2 to move around the school and complete 6 different exciting science experiments. Everyone had a wonderful time and learned a lot!

Towards the end of the week, however, things in Class 5 have turned a little more sombre as this week we have said goodbye to Miss Kewley, our AMAZING teaching assistant. Everyone in Class 5 will miss her but we all wish her the very best of luck in her new job, we know she will be fantastic.

Goodbye and good luck, Miss Kewley.


This week’s blog has been written by Alex H & Effie. We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it.



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This week in English we have been learning book called ‘The Great  Kapok Tree’. It’s about 2 men who walk into the rainforest. One of the men is about to chop down a tree but he was so exhausted from his labours, he put down the axe and rested. As he slept, the animals who live in the tree pleaded to him not to destroy their home. We also used subjunctive form to create a Mother’s day message such as ‘If I were a flower, I would always bloom for you.


In maths we have been learning about shapes and nets of 3D shapes. On Thursday we did a review of shapes and 3D nets to consolidate all of our learning.


In grammar we leant about prefixes and suffixes. We added a suffix to each noun or adjective to make it into a verb. Then for prefixes, we added a prefix to the beginning of a word change its meaning.


Because it is British Science week on Monday and Tuesday we did lots of experiments. For example, some experiments were fingerprints, optical illusions, the magic of water and much more! It was really fun and everyone enjoyed it.


          In PE we did cricket. We learnt many ways of batting the ball. Our first aim was to bat it to our partner to catch, our second aim was to bat it downwards to prevent us being caught out and finally to cut the ball to strike it very far away.


Finally, we would like to say a huge thank you and goodbye to our amazing teaching assistant, Miss Kewley. We will miss you very much.


Alex H & Effie

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