
Primary School


Class 5

Friday 11th November 2022

admin on: Class 5

This week's blog has been written by our very own Samuel and Jackson. We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it!

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Music has been very exciting this week as we have all been learning different notes (E). Some people even did solos which included the new notes being played in their performances, it was very impressive. Samuel even played we will rock you with his baritone. We also spent some time playing pop songs. Sometimes our music teacher (Mr Whiteman) even lets us play a name game which is linked to our music lesson. We got to play it this week which was really fun! The name game is where someone says another person for example, Daniel, then Daniel will say another name then they say another and so-one.


In English we have been continuing reading our class book (Odysseus) and we have been writing about the cyclops (Polyphemus) from chapter 2 of the book. Because we have all been so inspired by ancient Greek myths in our new topic, Miss Eastwood has also shared different Greek myth stories with us throughout the week. We have learned all about Medusa and her head of snakes and her look that turns people to stone. Kind Maidus who was granted a special power to turn anything he touches into gold and even Pandora and her box that she opened. We are all really enjoying them! 


In science we made parachutes and learnt about air resistance. We learned that the larger the parachute you use, the slower you will fall to the ground because the larger parachute causes more air resistance. Also, we learnt that if you drop a tennis ball and a football at the same time and they will hit the ground at the same time. Why? Because gravity is a force that is acting on them and it affects all objects the same. 


Finally, and most importantly, today makes Remembrance Day which is a special day that we use to remember the soldiers that have fought in all wars all over the world, past and present. We began the day by each writing our own acrostic poems to remember fallen soldiers, then we watched some videos and had a discussion about Remembrance Day. Some children even shared their stories of family members that they know who have served in different wars. Finally, at 11am the entire school came outside, faced the field and completed two minutes of silence, during which time we all thought about soldiers who have served or are serving in wars past and present. It was an emotional tribute to a very special cause. 


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Friday 4th November 2022

admin on: Class 5

This week's blog has been written by our very own Freya, Martha and Tommy! We hope you enjoy reading it!



In P.E this half term we are doing gymnastics. We have had just one gymnastics lesson so far and it is a bit of a mixed response in class. 15 people in our class like gymnastics and 17 do not like it quite so much. Maybe as the weeks go on, that will change! We are also learning about netball in PE. In our netball lesson this week we have been learning lots of amazing netball skills such as defending or ‘marking’, footwork and pivoting when catching the ball, different kinds of passes such as chest passes and bounce passes and even running into space and signalling to catch the ball. 


Our English lessons this week have been linked to our new History and Geography topics, all about ancient Greece! We have been reading a new class book called Odysseus which has stories of ancient Gods, battles and even a cyclops! We have been getting into character using drama to pretend that we are the cyclops from the book to write letters to our father, Poseidon, God of the sea. Some children even got to wear a pretend cyclops mask with only one eye, it was very funny! 


Recently in maths we have been spending time working on negative numbers. Negative numbers are when the number is below zero. Miss Eastwood gave us all number lines to help us work out some of the tricker problem questions and this really helped. We all felt like the lesson was good! We have also been learning about the place value of decimal numbers such as tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. To help us with this lesson we used place value charts that included decimal numbers. We all quite enjoyed this lesson!  


In science we have been explaining what makes objects fall to Earth. We found out that the reason this happens is due to the invisible force, gravity. We also did an experiment  where we dropped 3 different types of balls, a tennis ball, a football and a huge space bouncy ball to see whether they fell at different rates. We were mostly surprised to find that they al fell to the ground at the same time. We learned about Isaac Newton and his theory of gravity and how all items, no matter how big or small, will fall at the same rate unless something else like air resistance is slowing them down.  

We continued our science lessons throughout the week by looking at how forces are measured. The equipment we used were called Newton meters. We measured the force of scissors, water bottles, lids and our planners. We used the hook to attach to different objects and the newton meter showed us in (N) the force of that object.  


In French this week we practiced the French alphabet by listening to some different songs and then playing some games. Then we wrote the letters in our names and also wrote them out phonetically in French. Finally, we finished by listening to the French alphabet song again as we enjoyed it so much the first time!  

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Friday 21st October 2022

admin on: Class 5

Our class blog this week has been written by our very own Samuel and Ameila! We hope you enjoy reading it, but before you do, I would just like to say a HUGE WELL DONE to everyone in Class 5 for their truly incredible and seamless start to Year 5, you have all settled in so amazingly well and risen to the challenge of the Year 5 Curriculum. I cannot wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for us, lots more fun, lots more learning and lots more laughter I am sure!

I hope you all have a wonderful half term break and a spooky Halloween!

See you all next week!

Miss Eastwood :) 

CLASS 5 BLOG                   


This week we have been doing lots of English work and in English we were finishing our descriptive pieces all about The Eye Of The Storm. We have been writing an introduction paragraph to show the reader what happened before the lone explorer went into the eye also, we wrote a flashback (to give more information about his past life). After that, we wrote about what happened when he went through the eye. We also used personification as a writing technique which is where you give something a human like feature when it can’t actually do that. An example is the wind roared as it leaped over me. (The wind can’t ACTUALLY roar!)

In PE we have done football and street dance. In street dance we did lots of different stretches and we were in different teams. In football we practised shooting accuracy passing and we even had a little tournament. Some of us also became playleaders this year! The playleaders for year 5 are Samuel, Alex H, Izzy, Millie, Jacob, Jack, Noah, Tiana, Evie and Florence! They will get to lead lots of different sporting activities with younger children at break and lunch times. How exciting!

This week we also had a harvest assembly where we sang harvest songs and spent time thinking about and being thankful for where our food comes from. Some Year 5 children even had to read a harvest poem and explanation sheet to the whole school to show why we have harvest. We were all really proud of them – shout out to Alex G, Jack and Tiana! Well done you three! Also, a HUGE thank you to everyone who donated to our harvest festival food drive, it will be a huge help to so many people.

In music we played cornets, baritones and trombones. This week we played rock songs heavy metal and steady music. We also learnt the notes E, C, D and B, it was amazing all of us enjoyed it.

 In RE we learnt about the special places for Islam, Christians, and Muslims we also did a bit about the Roman Catholic religion. We also learnt about the Western Wall or the Walling Wall in Jerusalem and the Khaba and the pilgrimage to the Khaba.

In PSHE we did things we like all in a drawing and also, we talked about stereotypes and how there not good because they might be really nice like people think that teenagers are always on there phone or chewing gum but not all teenagers are like that.

We hope you enjoyed your half term because we certainly did! We also want to mention our two newer starters, Alex and Tiana who have settled in so well this half term! It feels like they have been here since reception.

Finally, we hope you all have an exquisite half term holiday.

Thank you for reading our blog,

Samuel and Amelia!                           

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Friday 14th October 2022

admin on: Class 5

This week's blog has been written by our very own Jemima and Tommy. Please enjoy reading it! 


Here is our blog all about what we have been doing in Class 5 this week!


In English we have been watching this cool clip to inspire out writing and it’s called “The Eye of The Storm” It shows a man who is flying on an ancient aircraft. He has a dragon pet and is flying towards a horrific storm. As the wind picks up, he sadly lets his dragon pet fly away into the deadly skies. We also wrote a flashback for the clip too, to explain a little bit more about the characters past.  Tommy has decided to share his example flashback which reads: “Picking up the vessel he stared at the contents as it bubbled in front of him, then a tear trickled from his eye ball… It reminded him then about when his father sadly died.” Such an emotional flashback!


In PE we have been working on football during our Wednesday lessons. We have learned how to do dribbling, we have also learned how to do passing and this week we even practiced tackling during attacks and defending too. In dance we have been stretching and learning a brand-new street dance. We have been very successful in the dance (which is fast paced and quite tricky!)



In maths we have been doing about fractions and they have been a true difficulty to the whole class so far but today we had a bit of a breakthrough when comparing fractions with different denominators. Miss Eastwood said she was very proud of our hard work and determination and has said that we will continue to practice and will continue to improve.



During our singing assemblies, for the past few weeks, we have been learning how to sing and perform some harvest festival songs in preparation for next week’s harvest assembly. We have been learning ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’ and ‘Harvest Tango’! We wonder if you know any of the lyrics.



Miss Eastwood has introduced something new this week. Each day after lunch we have begun spending 5 or so minutes practicing breathing meditation to relax and calm down ready for our afternoon learning. It is something that Jemima has particularly enjoyed but the whole class also seem to be enjoying it too.



Finally, we are really looking forward to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week because Mr. Kershaw has told us that some Year 5 pupils can take over the Year 6 jobs such as door monitor, office monitor and reception helper whilst the Year 6 pupils are away on their residential trip. We can’t wait for the extra responsibility!


We hope you have enjoyed reading our blog.


Tommy and Jemima


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Friday 7th October 2022

admin on: Class 5

This week's blog has been written by our very own Toby and Effie! We hope you have a wonderful time reading it!

Class 5 blog


This week we have been very busy working on our Tim Peake biographies. We found out some amazing facts that we were able to include in our written pieces. For example, did you know that when Tim Peake was in space, he ran the London marathon at the same time as the one back on Earth?

We have finished our Tim Peake biographies this week in very quick time.

Image result for Tim Peake ISS


Over the past few days in maths we have been doing long multiplication. At the beginning it was a bit tricky but now most people have the hang of it. At the start of the week we were learning short multiplication which was a lot easier than long multiplication as there were less numbers to times by and at the end you didn’t need to add the numbers together. In our daily ten maths questions we have been doing lots of different things (factors, long multiplication etc).


In PSHE we have been finishing of our drawings. We have been drawing everything we like and what we’re thinking and sticking a small picture of ourselves to represent ourselves.

In R.E. this week we have been ordering special religious places for Christians and Roman Catholics in order of what is most important to them. After that we wrote down in our books why we think it is the most important. For an example, one group chose Bethlehem as the most important because that’s where Jesus was born.


Science (planets facts)

Science has been fascinating this week as we have been writing a non-chronological report about planets. These are some facts that we found out about some of the planets: Uranus is the only planet that is named after Greek mythology. Uranus’s temperature is -197C. Uranus takes 82 years to complete a full orbit around the sun which means 41 years of sunlight and 41 without.

Because we have worked so well in science this week, Miss Eastwood also decided to treat us today by singing up to an online video event which involved a real-life scientist talking to us about satellites and space junk. We then got the chance to design our very own spacecrafts and satellites. 



Seen as though it was raining on Wednesday we could not play football so we played some very enjoyable bench ball and two teams are in the final but they have not played each other as we had to finish a little early for our singing assembly. Miss Eastwood has promised us that we will have the final match before the end of the half term to determine the overall winners of the mini tournament!

On Thursday we did dance where we worked on our core muscles and did fun exercises to help with this and some corner work for fun.



We have been carrying on reading COSMIC (our class 5 book) and it’s been very interesting. Basically Liam (the main character) and Florida (Liam’s friend) go on a rocket ride in the best theme park in the world, well that’s what they think there doing when actually the ride is a REAL-LIFE ROCKET.


On Thursday we did brass which is very fun to do. We learnt a new note to play which was a D. Mr Whiteman (Our music teacher) was very impressed with all of us. We also played the name game where Mr Whiteman says someone’s name to get it started then, they wait 4 beats to the music and say someone else’s name then you sit down. The game keeps going until everyone is sat down.

By Toby and Effie.


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