
Primary School


Class 5

Friday 19th May 2023

admin on: Class 5

We have had another great week in Class 5, our penultimate week before we break up for our half term break.

The class have shown phenomenal behaviour and a fantastic attitude towards their learning this week.

We have worked on writing a formal, persuasive piece of text in English and I have been so proud of how the children took the time to edit and improve their work to make it EVEN better.

In Maths we have been looking at place value once again to consolidate our knowledge in this area as we approach our final half term of Year 5. 

We have had the opportunity to complete some more brilliant science experiments this week and even took part in a reading event for the amazing author and TV presenter, Stephen Mulhern.

All in all, a fab week! Well done, Class 5! 

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I am afraid we have had another technical glitch in Y5 with our computer this week and unfortunately, the blog which was written by our very own Autumn and Freya has somehow managed to delete itself!!

I have tried to recover it but have been unable to do so.

My apologies.

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 12th May 2023

admin on: Class 5

I am proud to say that we have had another incredible week in Class 5. Once again, I have been blown away with the enthusiasm for learning that these wonderful students display! 

We have had another busy week, despite it only being 4 days long, and have managed to pack in persuasive presentations in English linked to climate control, how to answer questions involving money and how to budget for an event in maths, what a solution is and how to separate the materials that it is made up of in science and much, much more. 

This week’s blog has been written by our very own Jackson and Tiana. We hope you have as much fun reading it, as they did writing it. Enjoy! 

Miss Eastwood 




We’ve been learning about climate change in English this week and today we used this knowledge to do a presentation about how to stop global warming because it’s getting dangerous and animals are getting extinct; polar bears are suffering from there ice caps melting so they won’t have a home or food. We all must work together to help stop climate change.




In maths we been solving problems with money (on the worksheet it had Peppa pig and Dora, it was a bit funny and crazy) and there were questions where we had add up the amount like e.g. a carrot cost £1.30 an apple cost £2.40 how much is it all together. It was so hard and it did make mine and Jackson’s brains go a little fuzzy but we did get the hang of it in the end.  Today we had a really fun lesson putting to use all of our learning about money. We had had to create our own party but we only had £1000. We needed to budget for food, entertainment and drinks. Some of the parties we created sounded really fun like having a bouncy castle and a pet petting station with unlimited milkshake.




In music we have played a cornet, baritone and trombone (but Jack plays a trumpet) and we’ve learnt all the notes. There are an A, B, C, D, E, F, G and we know how to read notes and play them. At first when we looked at them, we had no idea what they meant and now we know everything about them. FUN FACT! At the end of each lesson, we play the name game.



In PE we have done circuit training. Myself and Jackson were exhausted by the time we were finished, we were melting at the end. We had to take part in a circuit of lots of different exercises on the playground. In our other PE lesson we did orienteering and it was very fun. We had to read a key and use to key to help us solve 3 jigsaw puzzles, easy, medium and hard.


YEAR 6 SATS!!!!!!

We would like to give a massive well done to year 6 because it might have been hard for them this week having to complete their SATS. Our whole class had to very quiet each morning so that they could concentrate on their S.A.T.S which was tricky but I bet not as tricky as having to actually do the tests. Well done year 6.

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Friday 5th May 2023

admin on: Class 5

Well, here we are at the end of our third week of our second to last half term in Class 5. The days really are just flying by! We have had another fantastic, albeit slightly shorter, week this week but the children have not let that stand in the way of how much fun and learning they have packed into our three days. We have started to read a new class novel, recommended and borrowed to class by our very own Autumn Wakes which we are all really enjoying.
We have learned all about the coronation of King Charles III in preparation for Saturday, we have performed songs from each decade of his life, dressed up in red, white and blue and even conducted a computer-based research project about the event. We have completed a science experiment linked to separating mixtures and even stretched our knowledge of time in maths (a really tricky topic!).
I think there might also have been some aching muscles on Thursday morning as we completed a very busy, very packed PE lesson on Wednesday afternoon made up of a circuit of many different indoor exercises. It's safe to say that the children were much better at all of the exercises than myself, they did put me to shame! 
A HUGE well done to everyone in Class 5 for their incredible efforts this week as always, you should all be very proud of yourselves. 
Unfortunately, due to the timings of our coronation celebrations, we have not been able to have children write the blog this week but I would like to say an extra special mention to Amelia and Jake and a huge well done to them both for each earning a merit in this week's assembly.
I hope you all enjoy your extra-long weekend and I can't wait to hear about everyone's coronation celebrations on Tuesday.
Miss Eastwood

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Friday 28th April 2023`

admin on: Class 5

Another incredible week here in Year 5! We have been jam-packed with so many exciting lessons from researching, preparing and delivering our own group presentations, to various science experiments, orienteering and boxercise PE lessons and our lovely music lessons with Mr Whiteman.

We have had two weeks of working with our amazing new teaching assistant Mrs Robb who the children have all taken to so well and she has EVEN managed to learn everyone’s name in class already! (We did test her on names this week).

I have been so impressed with Class 5’s enthusiasm to their different lessons this half term coupled with their impeccable behaviour. I am so proud! Great work, as always, Class 5!

This week’s blog was written by our very own, Isla, Daniel and Oscar, however, unfortunately upon completion of their wonderful work, their laptop decided to have a little bit of a moment and deleted everything!! I have tried in vein to recover the work but I'm afraid I have not been able to.

Hopefully they will get to re-write it at some point next week to be able to share their point of view of the week with you all. 

In absence of their words, I have uploaded extra pictures for you to have a look through which show what we got up to this week. 

Please enjoy. 

Miss Eastwood, Daniel, Isla & Oscar. 

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Friday 21st April 2023

admin on: Class 5

I can’t believe we are in our summer term already! The year is really flying by and my amazing Class 5 children have started the week with an incredible attitude to their learning and fabulous behaviour as always. Well done Class 5! This week’s blog has been written by our very own Jack and Ella. We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it. Enjoy! 


 On Monday, in English we were preparing for our SATS extra early by answering SATS style questions and reading Dodge and the Tornado. The question was to know how to get 3 marks in SATS. Here is an example of on of the questions. Using evidence from the text, give two examples of how the author builds a sense of danger surrounding the impending storm (3 marks).The next day, we did another comprehension to do with SATS. The question was to know a characters traits using evidence from the text.

This week in Maths, we were learning how to draw 3D shapes on isometric paper. At first it didn’t really work because we used the wrong type of isometric paper but then Miss Eastwood printed the right paper. The next day, we learnt how to solve problems involving nets of 3D shapes. We carried on today and found it quite enjoyable.

In Topic we started our new topic about different natural resources. The resources are Agricultural which is all to do with different types of farming, Geological which is all about resources that can be found under the ground. Wind energy is where wind is converted into electricity. Solar power is created by using the sun power like electricity. Geothermal energy is a way of converting heat from underground volcanos into heating and electricity. Hydropower is a way of creating electricity by using water. They are better than fossil fuels because they don’t produce carbon dioxide which is bad for the environment.

In PSHE we learnt about a girl’s period. In class we were just talking about the changes and what it is. We talked about that we would need to wear deodorant and what tampons and pads were. In RE we learnt about why Abraham was important to Christians. We answered questions that Mrs Kendal wrote on the board like why did he have to leave his home, family and friends and why did he get chosen by God to leave.

Altogether we have had a really great first week back, we are excited about our news topics and looking forward to learning more.

Jack and Ella

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