
Primary School


Class 5

Friday 8th December 2023

admin on: Class 5

Christmas has officially landed here in Class 5! At the start of the week we decorated our in-class Christmas tree by each placing baubles on it and topping it with our ‘NPS’ tree topper. The children have also really enjoyed reading an advent Christmas themed joke each morning.

It has been a really busy week in school with lots of assessments in the mornings. The children have really impressed me with how sensibly they have approached these, showing great determination throughout!

In the afternoons we have been continuing our science lessons (looking into different forces), Mandarin lessons (focussing on family names), computing (where we are creating and editing our very own videos) and history (where we have been learning all about Ancient Greece).

This morning we had an extra exciting treat – a Christmas pantomime in the hall! The children (and teachers!) thoroughly enjoyed it and it got us all EVEN MORE into the Christmas spirit.

We are all looking forward to ‘Stories with Santa’ this evening and a very special brass performance by some of our amazing Y5 pupils.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Eastwood  

*Please note that photographs from this week will be posted to next week's blog entry due to a technical fault*

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Friday 24th November 2023

admin on: Class 5

Wow, what an amazing week, week 3 has been here in Class 5!

We started off the week in English by looking at a brand-new genre of writing, journalistic writing. The children learned what journalistic writing is, examples of it and even the typical features you would find in this type of text. We then moved on to creating our own headline news stories in small groups – one of which was the breaking news story that Miss Robb had stolen and eaten all of the popcorn for our upcoming movie night!

In maths this week, our learning has been all about statistics and data. We have been looking at line graphs, tables and timetables and answering lots of different questions about the data displayed in them.

We also conducted a really cool science experiment testing the friction on different surfaces. The children found out that the more friction present, the slower an object will move and also that the smoother a surface, the less friction it will produce.

It has also been Road Traffic Safety Week all around the country this week. In class we looked at some different statistics and facts about road safety, discussed some ‘true/false’ statements and discussed how we can keep ourselves save when walking near roads. We even had a special assembly by some outside visitors who explained in even more detail about how we can keep safe.

The children have continued their Mandarin lessons too this week, they sang different songs in Mandarin, learned names of different countries and started their new learning on names of family members such as mother, father, big brother, and little sister.

A great week in class 5!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 17th November 2023

admin on: Class 5

We have had such a great second week of our second half term here in Class 5.

We started the week by presenting our story boards of ‘Odysseus and the Cyclops’ to the rest of the class and I was so impressed with how well the children could speak their stories! We then went on to writing our very own version of the Greek myth and I must say, I think it’s the best piece of written work so far this year! It has been such a pleasure to read them all.

In maths our focus this week has been prime numbers and composite numbers. We have really enjoyed learning about what makes a prime number and which numbers are prime. We finished the end of the week by looking at some division questions with remainders.

Our science experiments this week have been focussing on ‘air resistance’ we used umbrellas and large plastic boards to test whether there was more off less air resistance against our bodies when we ran with/without them. We then created some paper parachutes to test our theories about air resistance to see if we could slow down the rate at which our Lego men fell.

This week has also been anti-bullying week so we have spent a lot of time in class talking about bullying, creating anti-bullying posters and I even set the children a week-long kindness challenge to try and complete as many acts of kindness as possible. As a class, we have found that the kinder we are to others, the happier it makes us feel too!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, see you all next week for another great week of learning and fun.


Miss Eastwood

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Friday 10th November 2023

admin on: Class 5

Welcome back from half term break everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful week of Halloween and Bonfire Night fun!

We have certainly got back into the swing of things in Class 5 with a bang this week.

In our English lessons we have been reading the Greek myth of Odysseus and the Cyclops, Polyphemus. We have loved the story so much, despite it being a bit gruesome in places, I suppose it links quite nicely with the recent Halloween festivities in that sense. On Tuesday we used some drama and role playing to put ourselves in the shoes of the cyclops and think about his feelings before using this to write a letter to his father from his point of view.

In Maths this week our focus has been all about 3D shapes. We have learned about the different names and properties of various 3D shapes, looked at nets and even plans and elevations of 3D shapes. I have been so impressed with the work that the children have produced in Maths this week and it has been so lovely to see so many members of our class helping out their fellow classmates when they were struggling.

We also started our brand-new topics ‘It’s All Greek To Me’ which focusses on History and Geography and ‘Forces’ in science. We used 6 figure grid references in Geography, went on a scavenger hunt for facts about modern and ancient Greece and used Newton metres to measure the force of gravity upon objects around school. We even learned about Aristotle, Galileo Galilei, and Sir Isaac Newton.

It has been such a wonderful week here in Class 5 and I am already looking forward to Monday.

Finally, today, we have spent some time in class discussion Remembrance Day and why it is observed in commonwealth countries. The children were extremely respectful.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Eastwood

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Thursday 26th October 2023

admin on: Class 5

Well, we have officially completed our first half term in Class 5 and what a half term it has been!

I have absolutely loved getting to know my new class over the past 8 weeks and have thoroughly enjoyed each and every day of teaching them.

We have learned all about Earth and Space in our topic this half term by looking at why we have day and night, the planets in order from the Sun, the phases of the Moon and time zones. My particular favourite lesson was when we created our very own versions of the 8 planets in our solar system using paper mache. The results were phenomenal!

We have completed SO many different pieces of writing this half term from a setting description of the planet Mars, a poem, a biography and even a fantasy narrative. I have been SO impressed with all the class’s hard work, incredible use of vocabulary and overall general efforts in our English lessons, especially our Litz Blitz which is fast becoming a fan favourite in our class!

Maths has been another very exciting topic this half term. We have covered numbers and place value, negative numbers, Roman numerals, fractions, decimals, division, long multiplication and MORE and again, I have been SO impressed with the hard work put in my all of our classmates in our maths lessons. I have been particularly impressed with how so many children have helped each other with tricky topics and really encouraged a positive growth mindset throughout the classroom. Just WOW.

PE, Music, Art, PSHE, Mandarin and Computing have also been very fun this half term. From drawing our very own chalk pictures of the Moon, to learning about computer systems and search engines and even learning our own Chinese names in Mandarin, the learning and the excitement just hasn’t stopped!

I am so excited to see what next half term brings. We will be starting our brand-new topic ‘It’s All Greek To Me’ learning about modern and ancient Greece, we have tonnes of amazing genres to discover in our English lessons and we will be gearing up for a Christmas production (it will be here before we know it!).

I would like to end by saying a MASSIVE well done and a HUGE thank you to all of the children in class 5 this half term. You have made it an absolute joy to come to work each and every day.

I hope everyone has a great half term break!

Miss Eastwood

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