
Primary School


Class 4

Girls Active

admin on: Class 4

Yesterday, I was very lucky to be able to take Darcey, Gretel and Lyela to a course about how to encourage girls to be more active. This is a National Lottery funded project which was set up because by the time girls are in their mid-teens only 7% of them are as active as is recommended. The drop off happens from age 7 upwards. 

In an attempt to combat this, the Girls Active project will train girls to be leaders in motivating and facilitating other girls to be more active. Our three new Girls Active Leaders (or GALs as they decided to be called!) are incredibly enthusiastic about this exciting new project and soon you will see some new initiatives they are starting! I was also fortunate enough to be given some training on how to empower the girls and give them the support they need to do this.

We want to make our girls unstoppable!

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Soccer Aid and homework

admin on: Class 4

Today Class 4 took part in Soccer Aid. They worked in groups to design their own obstacle course which the other children then tried out. Well done to Jack who completed all 6 courses!

Homework this week: 

IXL: Maths G11 and G12 on mixed multiplication.

       Maths K9 and K10 on mixed division.

The spellings are as follows:









Have a fantastic weekend!

Mr. Kershaw

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Drama in Class 4

admin on: Class 4

This week we are using the BFG to help us write a playscript about a part of the story. To start with, we used the tried and tested technique of freeze frames to try and convey each character's feelings. See if you can work out which child is the angry Blood Bottler, which is the frightened BFG and which is the terrified Sophie!

We then used a playscript to act out a scene. The children were very entertaining!

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Happy Half Term

admin on: Class 4

Here is the IXL homework for half term:

Maths: Multiplication skill builders (section F)and division skill builders (section J). No English this week. I will be really pushing times tables after half term as I need to be sure the children are secure in all of them up to 12 X 12. 

The spellings are:









Have a fantastic half term break. We have lots of things to look forward to in the last 7 weeks. Where has this year gone?

Thanks, as always!

Mr. Kershaw

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Homework due 25.5.18

admin on: Class 4

This week’s homework is as follows:

1.) IXL maths: P5 and P7 on estimating.

2.) IXL English: D13 and D14 more irregular verbs. 

3.) Spellings: 

Have a great weekend! 

Mr. Kershaw

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