
Primary School


Class 4

Friday 15th March

admin on: Class 4

Good evening all!

We've had a very exciting week here in school; we all took part in National Science Week and on Monday and Wednesday the children in KS2 were all treated to a wide variety of science investigations and activities run by all the staff; a super event and very well organised by Mr Kershaw! The children loved every minute!

The children have been busily completing their wonderful recounts of their visit to Cliffe House this week; below is the 2nd collection of wonderful photos for you to enjoy!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

See you all on Monday,

Mrs Matthews, Miss Nipe and Mrs Pearce

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Friday 8th March

admin on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

We had an absolutely fantastic time on our 3 day residential to Cliffe House this week. The children were absolutely amazing; really enthusiastic, energetic and excited throughout. They were able to take part in such a wonderful selection of exciting activities; from team building, to archery, river walking, wall climbing, fire building and campfire cooking to name just a few. They must have returned home full of the news of all their activities, but also extremely tired. They all behaved impeccably throughout our visit and we were so proud of every single one of them! What a great team they are!

The staff at Cliffe House took such fabulous care of us all; the outdoor leaders were just amazing! They taught us all so many skills and endless facts during our stay. The housekeeping and catering staff were wonderful too; they provided us all with the most amazing meals and vert tasty extra snacks too!

Here are just a few of the photos taken. I will add more next week, but just thought you would like a little insight into the activities we all enjoyed during our stay. I promise there will be more to follow too! Please note, we took 3 cameras with us; these are photos from one camera- the others are to follow!!

See you all next week,

Mrs Matthews and the fabulous class 4 team xx

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Friday 1st March

admin on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

We have had a great week this week; very busy, but great fun!

 The children have loved trying to replicate some of Claude Monet's art, have thoroughly enjoyed lots of fun and exciting practical science and have even used Lego during their exciting R.E. lesson.

The children absolutely loved the hour long music assembly on Tuesday morning; they were treated to a very interesting, exciting and interactive lesson led by a fabulous jazz band. To say it was brilliant is an understatement!

The children are very much looking forwards to our residential visit to Cliffe House on Monday; we are all very excited indeed! Do make sure they have lots of sleep this weekend as it will be a very busy 3 days; lots of fun and energetic activities to come!

Have a wonderful weekend!

See you all on Monday,

Mrs Matthews, Miss Nipe and Mrs Pearce


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Friday 23.2.24

admin on: Class 4

Good evening everyone!

We had a very exciting first week back!

We began our week with a number of scientific investigations to check whether we were correct in thinking the volume of sound decreases as the distance increases. The children worked in small groups to test our theory using different ways of making sounds; the children were so enthusiastic and loved working independently in their teams.

In literacy, the children are thoroughly enjoying our new text; 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. We have begun sharing the text and have watched clips of the film in order to help the children develop their understanding of the characters. We began with role play on Monday; taking on the roles of each of the characters in Charlie's family as Charlie returns home following his paper round. The children have worked hard to then write carefully punctuated and well-presented transcripts of the conversations between the characters. Next week we are focusing on writing persuasive letters to Willy Wonka.

As you know, the children had their first school swimming session this week; some of the children were a little apprehensive beforehand, but were all so excited to tell me how much they enjoyed it afterwards! This was so great to hear! The children will continue weekly lessons until the end of the Summer.

On Thursday, Abi joined us from the Sports Partnership to deliver a fabulous 'active maths' lesson in the hall. The children thoroughly enjoyed every single minute; they practised their times tables as they played a number of fun and exciting games.

Maths has been very busy this week; the children have been working really hard on converting fractions to decimals and vice versa and using place value to help with the division and multiplication of decimal numbers by 10 and 100. It was lovely to be able to invite you to join us in class to see the children working on their maths on Friday; we hope you enjoyed your visit!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone.

See you on Monday,

Mrs Matthews, Miss Nipe and Mrs Pearce.

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Friday 9th February

admin on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone,

We had a very busy Monday this week; the children prepared and cooked their vegetable soups in small groups. They absolutely loved every single minute! The corridor smelt delightful! The children promise us their soups tasted equally wonderful too!

In history, we have focused on the introduction of the London Underground in 1863; the children loved hearing all about it and were amazed how soon the underground networks grew and how enormously beneficial they were for people living and working in London. The children have really loved learning all about the changes brought about by the Industrialists.

P.E. was great fun; we combined our netball and rugby skills in our own version of an exciting attacking and defending game. The children played in mini teams and amazed me with the progress of their skills.

The children have worked incredibly hard with Miss Nipe on their wonderful descriptions of the Secret Garden; they really have developed some super sentences, using a widening collection of exciting adjectives and adverbs with every task. Their grammar and spelling is improving all the time too.

Maths has been a little tricky this week; we have been focusing on decimal numbers. The children have been practising counting in tenths and hundredths and have continued to work hard on those tricky times tables.

Have a wonderful week with your gorgeous children next week; let's hope the weather is kind to us all. Enjoy the soup-making photos below too!

See you on the 19th January!

From Mrs Matthews and Miss Nipe x

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