
Primary School


Class 4

Friday 15th December 2023

admin on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

What a fun and busy week we have had! As you'd expect, we have been have been working hard to perfect our Christmas performance for you all. I am so very proud of the children this week; they have really risen to the challenge of learning their lines and perfecting the songs. I am hoping you thoroughly enjoy their performance next week. We have a dress rehearsal on Monday and if the children perform as well then as they did in class this afternoon, they will be amazing! Well done everyone!

The children have continued to work exceptionally hard in English again this week. Not only have they completed their own playscripts, but they have now written lovely pieces about two naughty elves creating havoc in the kitchen on Christmas Eve. They have risen well to the challenge of accurately presenting and punctuating conversations between the elves within the text. A job well done everyone!

In maths, we have been working very hard indeed on reading the time; our ultimate aim is to confidently read the time to the nearest minute! This has proved a little challenging to say the least!! We have tried a number of different activities this week and yesterday had fun with a selection of games surrounding time; matching pairs, dominoes and a board game all focused on developing those 'reading the time' skills! Please do keep practising at home too!!

Below, I have added a few images of the children having fun as they played the 'time' games together yesterday. We will continue revisiting 'time' in the New Year!!

Next week, we are very much looking forwards to our dress rehearsal and final performance, as well as a very exciting Christmas party together! Let the festivities begin!!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Mrs Matthews x

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Friday 8th December

admin on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

Only 2 weeks to go until Christmas; I can't believe it!! Where does the time go?

We are very busy rehearsing our Christmas performance for you all; the children continue to amaze us every single day with their acting, singing and dancing skills; you're in for a real treat! The children can't wait to perform for you.

As well as thoroughly enjoying all the rehearsals, the children have been learning a great deal whilst practising too. They have developed super knowledge of playscripts; they've loved reading them together and have even begun to write playscripts of their own.

The whole school was treated to a wonderful pantomime this morning; 'M & M Productions' were just fantastic! The amazing cast of just 4 together performed all the parts and did a superb job. The children were delighted and thoroughly enjoyed joining in with the many songs too. It was a real success! Below are a few photos of the show! The pantomime was a fabulous end to a week of very busy assessments; very well deserved!

The children have continued to develop their knowledge of the River Nile this week; they have researched many facts and have created the most wonderful drawings of the Nile, with numerous captions of exciting and interesting facts added. Well done everyone!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

See you Monday,

Mrs Matthews and Mrs Scott x

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Friday 24th November

admin on: Class 4

Good evening everyone,

The children have really enjoyed a fun and practical week this week! Not only have we ended the week on a high with a very exciting 'Movie Night', there have been so many highlights!

On Wednesday, the children were treated to a fabulous 'Road Safety' afternoon, involving fun activities in the classroom, but also practical tasks outdoors. They have learned so much invaluable information to help keep them safe on our increasingly busy roads.

The children are thoroughly enjoying sharing our new text, 'The Dancing Bear' and have loved exploring role play to help them empathise with the characters and understand the themes in the story really well. Today, they have begun their own playscripts, based on the role play they have worked on.

Music was fun this afternoon too! The children have amazed me as they have created their own musical renditions of the 'Pink Panther' theme tune! They are proving to be wonderful singers too; we have begun rehearsing our songs for the Christmas performance this week. You are certainly in for a treat!

Maths has been busy all week; not only are we practising those times tables and recapping learning through our 8 questions every day, we have been working hard on statistics all week.

The children are all continuing to thoroughly enjoy their P.E. lessons. They have created the most wonderful group dances together and are loving their ball games with Mrs Kendall. Our running track continues to be a hit too; the children are getting fitter and fitter every day!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and do enjoy the photos I've added from activities this week!

See you Monday,

Mrs Matthews

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Friday 17th November

admin on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

We've had a super week this week! As I mentioned earlier in the week, we have been working on poetry this week. We have been really proud of the children's poetry; they have really embraced all the characteristics we have discussed in class with great enthusiasm. We have also begun reading 'The Dancing Bear', a lovely book of Michael Morpurgo's. The children have loved creating their own versions of the setting for the story.

The 'Richard Symonds' animal artwork the children have completed this week have been equally wonderful!

Science today has been fun; not only have the children worked on 'Dental Hygiene' posters, they have also prepared an investigation to determine which drinks have the most detrimental effects on our teeth; is it fresh orange, cola or something else? We will need to wait a week to see if our predications are correct!

Maths has been a tricky one this week; we've been focusing on angles and identifying different triangles and quadrilaterals. I think we will be revisiting 'quadrilaterals' again on Monday so any practise at home would be really helpful!!

The children are loving geography at the moment; they have been confidently labelling the 'Tropic of Cancer' and 'Capricorn', as well as the two hemispheres and the equator and taking note of the countries the equator crosses and the resulting temperature differences. It's amazing how much the children are grasping and so quickly too!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and look forwards to seeing you all again on Monday!

Mrs Matthews, Miss Nipe and Mrs Scott x

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Wednesday 15.11.23

admin on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

Class 4 have had a wonderful start to this week! They have created some fabulous poems this week all about Bonfire Night and Halloween. I have been absolutely amazed by their super enthusiasm and the speed at which they have understood different types of poetry and have had a go themselves. I will post a few examples later this week.

We were delighted this week that Ishan felt confident enough to tell us all about the wonderful Diwali celebrations he and his family have enjoyed at the weekend. Thank you so very much Ishan and Dad for the fabulous power point we could all share in class. Ishan proudly showed us some of the gorgeous divas he and his brother made and also the delicious food he and his family enjoyed. Thank you so much Ishan for your wonderful presentation.

The children are thoroughly enjoying their P.E. lessons; their group dances were brilliant this week. Again, poetry helped inspire the dances the children created. Miss Nipe and myself were very impressed!

We hope you enjoy the photos below,

Mrs Matthews and all in class 4

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