
Primary School


Class 3

Home learning Tuesday 2.6.20

admin on: Class 3

Hello again Year 3!

Hope you all had a great day yesterday and enjoyed lots of lovely sunshine!

Before I show you today's activities, here are a few of your lovely photos I received yesterday....


Here is a lovely photo of Laurie and Darcey's salt dough handprints, another of them enjoying one of many bike rides with Dad and also Mr Potato Head!! (What a lovely idea Laurie!)


Here are Arianna's lovely 2D shapes and the wonderful table she created!

If you missed yesterday's activities, do have a look. I was cheeky enough to post some on our inset day!!

Now for today's activities.....


8 questions;

  1. 527 + 324
  2. 50 more than 236
  3. Add 300 to 267
  4. 552 - 237
  5. Subtract 60 from 283
  6. Find the difference between 326 and 211
  7. 54 x 4     (remember you may need to use columns)
  8. 568 divided by 4    (remember bus stop division)

Problem; I have 6 angles and 6 corners, what shape am I?


Let's have fun with practical maths again!! Do you remember these 3D shapes?

Cube, cuboid, (triangular) prism, square based pyramid, triangular based pyramid, cone, cylinder.....

Use construction kits, pasta and blue tac (or marshmallows), pipe cleaners, green bin recycling 'waste', card or whatever you like to make as many of these as you can.

Can you then create a table (like Arianna's 2D one above) to highlight the number of faces, edges and vertices (corners) each has?

Reading and spelling

Please enjoy reading 1 to 1 with an adult (any book of your choice), but remember to ask Mum or Dad to ask you lots of questions about the book after you've read!


These are words that sound the same, but have a different meaning and spelling. Here are just 6 pairs. Please can you try and learn them. Copy the list and practise spelling them 4 times. See if you can remember them if an adult tests you!!








Grammar recap;

Can you edit my sentences? There may be spelling mistakes and punctuation mistakes too!!

  1. What is the weather like asked Mum.
  2. Why has the dog jumpt in the bath again asked Tom.
  3. Oh no, I have mist the train again shouted the man.
  4. The old lady slipt on the wet path.
  5. Mum askt have you put on your sun cream

Grammar activity; 'Subordinate Clauses'.

Do you remember we looked at clauses and phrases before the holiday? A clause makes sense on its own, but a phrase doesn't. A subordinate clause is a clause added to the main clause in a sentence and is joined to it by a conjunction, eg 'but', 'because', 'while' etc

Please can you try the following activity; page 33 in your Grammar text book (here's the sheet if you don't have one);

Remember, the subordinate clause does include the conjunction- the first answer is.... 'when the family moved in'

If you have any difficulty with any of the activities please do just let me know via email as I'll happily help.

Have fun and enjoy all the activities. If you have made a salt dough hand print do have a go at painting it too; the fancier the better!!

Have a great day!

See you soon,

Mrs Matthews

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Home learning Monday 1st June 2020

admin on: Class 3

Good morning all!

I hope you all had a wonderful and very well earned rest over the half term holiday! I booked the sunshine for you so you could all enjoy the outdoors!!

Here are a couple of photos I didn't get chance to post just before the holidays; Mia's fabulous diary entry and a lovely salt dough hand print that Charlie kindly helped his little sister Luna make. Charlie is also showing you one of the stick insects he has been looking after; very brave indeed!


Here are today's activities......


09.00 Why not begin the day the energetic way with Joe Wick's Workout on YouTube?


..just go on a lovely long walk around the stunning countryside we have surrounding us! Enjoy the sunshine!

Reading comprehension;

Would you like to try an exciting comprehension on Purplemash? I have created a 2Do for the first chapter of 'Sleeping Volcano' and then the multiple choice questions that follow.

If you login to the 'home page' and select 'Serial Mash', then select 'Emeralds' and then choose 'Sleeping Volcano', 'Chapter 1', you will be able to read the very first chapter of an exciting fictional story about a dormant volcano. If the story is too hard either share the reading with an adult or perhaps select a different story in the 'Diamonds' section rather than 'Emeralds'.

After reading the chapter, you'll find I have set you a 2Do for the questions on this chapter- they are multiple choice so not too tricky. Have a go, but do read with an adult's help if it's difficult. Avoid reading chapter 2 just yet as we will look at that later in the week!


Boris Johnson has said that from today we can meet in socially distanced groups of 6 people. This means you could meet one or 2 other members of your family or perhaps a friend. Have a big think about who you have really missed and would very much like to invite. Once you have decided, have a word with Mum or Dad and see if they will let you write a letter to post to them either telling them how much you have been missing them and what you have been doing during 'Lockdown' or if they agree, invite them to your garden for a drink or just for a chat or a socially distanced picnic, for example.

So, if you can, plan and then write a lovely letter to this special person inviting them, telling them when and where. Tell them how much you have missed them and all about the things you have been doing and perhaps the games you might play with them once they arrive. Try and write in paragraphs if you can. Make sure you write it correctly; ie with your address on the top right hand side of your paper etc. Do post it and CAN YOU PLEASE SEND ME A PHOTO of you posting it!! Please remember to join your writing and show me how much you remember about accurate punctuation!!


Let's have fun with maths this week; some construction activities!!


8 questions;

1. 1L = ……,

2.  4L = …

3. 2kg + 200g =

4. 864 + 46 =

5. 925 - 363 =

6. 80 X 6

7. 4500 divided by 10

8. 62 x 100 =


If we started our BBQ at 6:30pm and finished one and a half hours later, what time did we finish? Use the clock you made to work it out if you need to!


Let's recap 2D shapes today. Here is a list of shapes; square, rectangle, triangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, semi-circle

Can you have a go at making these? You can use pasta and tasty marshmallows or blue tack or construction sets. You will need something bendy for the semi-circle though!

Can you then count the number of sides, corners and angles in each shape? You could create a table naming the shapes and showing how many of these features they each have. Draw your table in your book if you have time.

Well, that's all folks!!

Have a lovely day and I'll be back in the morning!!

Please email me at some point early in the week to let me know how you are doing and don't forget those photos!!

See you soon,

Mrs Matthews

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More year 3 photos 22.5.20

admin on: Class 3

Here are more of this week's photos! Do keep them coming, they're all fantastic!


Chloe enjoying exercising her gorgeous horse! 

Here's Mia's wonderful poem, together with some lovely family photos!


Archie and Emma's fabulous French! They have been working really hard on times tables too!


Here's Laurie's super French too! What a lovely character!

Sophie reading to her little brother! What a very kind big sister you are!

Max's super rhyming 'Lockdown Poem'!

Here's a lovely photo of Max reading Harry Potter to his gorgeous dog!

Austin's fabulous salt dough hand print; well done Austin!


Here's Oscar's great 'Lockdown Rap'!

Finally here are Max and his big brother Reuben, relaxing after a busy day doing lots of school work!! A very well deserved chill out boys!!

Keep your fantastic photos coming everyone! I've tried to include one from everyone who has sent one but please do let me know if I've accidently left you out and you'd like me to post it. You are all working so incredibly hard and it's great to celebrate your work and the fun things you're doing.

Have a great holiday next week and a very well deserved rest!

See you all very soon!

Mrs Matthews

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Friday 22.5.20

admin on: Class 3

Good morning everyone!

Let's hope it's another sunny day!

Thank you so very much for all the wonderful photos you have sent; you have all been working so hard. Keep a look out on the blog later today as I'll post more of them. They're too good to miss!

Here's today's activities, but do remember to just select activities if there are too many for you; stay happy and have lots of fun!

P.E. Join Joe Wicks on You Tube once again for his Friday workout! Alternatively, try making another fabulous assault course. Can you improve on your last one?

Spelling and handwriting;

I have noticed quite a few of you are forgetting to join your writing!! I know it's probably the heat of the warm weather!! However, I'd really like you to practise it as you are all fabulous at joining. There should be a collection of handwriting sheets in your pack; choose one and have a go in your exercise book. Take your time!


Please could you work really hard at trying to learn as many of the year 3/4 common exception words as you can; try just a few each day and write the words you're working on 4 times if you can. Use different coloured felt pens if it helps too. Here's a link to a mat that will include those words for years 1, 2, 3 and 4 so you can practise easier ones too!


Have you heard of 'Anne Frank's Diary'? She wrote a diary during the 2nd World War and it is really famous today. I'd really like you all to write a diary for today (so we all write about our experiences during lockdown on the same day). I'll do one too! Write a diary of everything you do today and add some pictures/photos. You might want to handwrite it or you could complete it on the computer. You might also decide to tell us if you were able to stay up to clap for the NHS last night too. Try and include all those things that are really different to normal. Have a go and present it in any way you like; keep it exciting and colourful too!


1. Keep practising 'Times tables Rockstars'; it will get easier and easier!!

2. Today I'd like you to complete two activities on 'Mathletics'; these are in the Geometry section; one is a shape sorting activity and one is an activity on right angles. If you have already done one of these please have another go. Keep searching for right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles around the home too!


1. Remember, a few weeks ago I asked you to plant either 3 sunflower seeds or 3 beans and label them A, B, C. One was to have sunlight and water, the next sunlight but no water and the final one water but no sunlight. If you did this, did you create a table to display your results? You needed to compare the growth of the 3 plants; you could do this by counting leaves and measuring the height every week. What findings did you get? If you didn't get chance before, perhaps set it up during the holiday. Keep noting your results. Lets see who grows the biggest sunflower or the tallest bean plant!!

2. SHADOWS; can you find out why a shadow is formed? During the sunny weather keep looking for shadows and work out what causes them. You then have a challenge; 'To find out which material makes the best shadow'. You may want to try clear plastic, coloured plastic, glass, cardboard, wood, paper or some other materials. Create a little experiment of your own (with Mum or Dad helping) to find out which works the best. How will you know? Will it be darker or longer? You might want to make shadow puppets to help you decide!

Let me know how you do your experiment and what you find out!

Well, that's all folks!!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a brilliant week's holiday; relax, have fun and enjoy this lovely sunshine.

Take care and stay safe and happy!

See you soon!

Mrs Matthews

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Thursday 21.5.20

admin on: Class 3

Hello again Year 3!

I hope you all had a fantastic day yesterday; the sun was so kind to us wasn't it? Let's hope it continues to shine!

Thank you once again for all your wonderful messages and for sending me photos of you and your fabulous work; you really are doing an amazing job, I'm so proud of you all!

Here are some tasks for today;


8 questions;

  1. Take 236 away from 472
  2. Add 349 to 434
  3. 666 plus 218
  4. Subtract 227 from 872
  5. 73 x 4   (remember to put the 73 on top and 4 beneath the 3 and multiply the 4 by the 3 and then the 4 by the 7)
  6. 62 x 5 (do the same)
  7. Multiply 54 by 3 (do just the same)
  8. 924 divided by 4 (use bus stop division, remembering to carry over any remaining)


Tom was invited to a party at 16:30. He was a little confused about the time as it was written in 24 hour clock style! Can you help him?What time did he have to be there? Tell me in words (eg quarter to 3).


Here's a lovely fun practical activity! Can you remember that a right angle is like the corner of a square or rectangle? We also looked at 'acute' angles (smaller than a right angle) and also 'obtuse' angles (larger than a right angle BUT less than a 'straight line'!).

Today I'd like you to have a good search around inside and also outdoors to find as many examples of each of these 3 types of angles, for example your table will have right angles at the corners....

Can you make a simple table, listing examples of each type of angle you find. You might decide to take photos or carefully draw the examples. Present your results however you like. See how many you can find of each.


Yesterday you made a list/display of all the things you have been doing that may be different to normal during 'lockdown'.

Today I'd really like you to have a go at using these ideas and creating a simple poem using them.

Poems can be just how you want them to be; there are no hard and fast rules. You could draw a colourful illustration and write your poem around or within the illustration if you like.

You could write rhyming couplets- ie 2 lines that rhyme, then another 2 that rhyme etc

You could create verses.

However, it does not have to rhyme at all- it is entirely up to you.

I would suggest, though, beginning each line with a capital letter and do make sure it consists of individual lines instead of a continued piece of writing- then it will stand out as a poem.

Here's a quick example.....

'Lockdown, lockdown, 

What a strange time we've had,

When we go back to school I'll be ever so glad!

Just my first verse! It's not my best, but you get the idea!!


Keep reading aloud every day to Mum or Dad and ask each other questions. Do have a look at this gorgeous book at some point too; I think it is just beautiful!

It's a gorgeous online book to share with children who may be worried about corona virus.


Do you fancy having fun with salt dough? It's easy to make and can be used to make a lovely handprint that you can then later paint (with acrylic paints); it would provide a lovely keepsake of the size of your handprint during lockdown. One day the history books will be talking about this strange world we are living in!!

Here's a link to a simple recipe;


Please keep sending me your fabulous photos, but most of all, have great fun!

Thanks once again Mums and Dads for all the fabulous hard work you are all putting in; it must be very difficult trying to juggle home life, work and school work too. We are all so very appreciative; thank you so much.

Don't struggle though, please do get in touch via our class 3 emails if you have any worries at all. Please keep in touch.

See you all soon!

Mrs Matthews x

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