
Primary School


Class 1

Climbing on up!

admin on: Class 1

2nd February 2024

In geography this week, we started looking at mountains, including what the highest and tallest mountains in the world are! We then looked closer to home and thought about what we would need to go and climb up mountain, considering the climate and other conditions you would encounter. We looked at different items that Mr Hobson takes when he climbs mountains and Chester even tried them on! Doesn't he look the part! 



We have been looking at the shape element of our jump, shape, create topic in PE. We thought of the shapes different animals made when they moved and recreated these, thinking about their positions. We then made different shapes when we jumped safely from one side of the room to the other. We finishd by holding different points of balance for 5 seconds. 



I hope it stays dry for you this weekend, one more week to go! 

Mrs Parker and The Year One Team xxx

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We like to move it, move it!

admin on: Class 1

26th January 2024

We have been looking at moving robots in computing and this week we had to follow instructions to move the Bee-Bots forwards and backwards. We had to place Bee-Bot on a specific object before following the commands. We always started with the clear command before programming Bee-Bot to move in different directions. 



In PSHE, we have been learning what money is and how we obtain it. We spent lots of time looking at different coins and notes, understanding the value of them. We decided that we don't use coins and nots as much now, we see people using bank cards, their smart watches or their phones to pay for items from shops. 


Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Look out! There is a Woolf about!

admin on: Class 1

19th January 2024

During English, we have started to look at a new book, Woolf by Alex Latimer. The main character is an animal which is half sheep and half woof. We drew Woolf then thought of adjectives which we could use to describe him. We then put these adjectives into sentences. We had a howling good time! 

In art, we have been looking at artwork by Jean Metzinger and comparing this to artists we looked at in Reception, Monet and Van Gogh. This week we had a go at creating a piece of artwork inspired by Metzinger, using colouring pencils to carefully colour in each square to create a landscape. We used some realistic colours and some none-realistic colours, just like Metzinger. How fabulous they are! 

In geography, we have been starting our new topic of mountains, rivers and coasts. We looked at coasts, which are near to us, in the first week and his wek we learnt about rivers. We looked at how a river is made and where rivers go. using atlases and Google Earth, we looked at rivwers which are close to us, the River Helm, and river which are in the United Kingdom. 

I hope the ice and cold disappears and you have a good weekend!
Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Welcome Back!

admin on: Class 1

12th January 2024
Happy New Year to you all! On behalf of the whole team, we would just like to thank you all for the lovely Christmas wishes, cards and gifts! We adore teaching your children and you were incredibly generous!
We have had a brilliant start to the year and new half term, ready for the next 5 weeks!
In PE, one of the topics we began looking at is named jump, shape, create. We moved about the hall, jumping from hoop to hoop and spot to spot. We had to create a shape when we landed and balance on this shape before moving on. We then played a game of tag and if we were tug, we had to make a shape and balance for 5 seconds before joining in the game again. We can't wait to develop these skills further this half term! 
In maths we have started exploring numbers to 50 and the palce value of both digits. We have been using lots of practical equipment to do this including ten-frames to play a place value game and multi-link to sort amounts of objects into groups to make it easier to count them. 
We started our new art topic by looking at the neo-impressionist painter, Jean Metzinger. We compared his work to pieces of art work we looked at in Reception by the artist Vincent Van Gogh and Claude Monet.
Have a lovely weekend! 
Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Christmas time!

admin on: Class 1

21st December 2023

I can't believe it but the end of the Autumn term is here! We have had such a fabulous time and the children have all worked incredibly hard, we are extremely proud of them and how they have all matured. We would just like to thank all of you at home for the continuing support that you have given us and the children, we really do appreciate it! 

We performed in our tree-mendous Christmas production on Tuesday and what a spectacular job we did! We are all so proud of the children as they projected their voices, sang beautifully and the show went without a hitch! 

Thank you all the grown ups that came to watch us perform, I hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed performing it!

On Wednesday we had our Christmas party! We played lots of games and even had some party food, thank you FONs for providing this!  

We have been busy making lots of different Christmas crafts. These Christmas crackers and Christmas tree decorations! 



Have a lovely Christmas break and we will see you in the New Year! Thank you all again! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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