
Primary School


Class 1

First half term complete!

admin on: Class 1

26th October 2023

We have made it!

I would just like to take this time to thank everyone for all their hard work this first half term in Year 1! We really do appreciate the work that everyone is doing at home and it is starting to reflect in the work in school. We are super proud of how all of the children have settled in and adapted to life in Year 1! 

Class 1 have been asking the question this week, "Do trees with the biggest leaves, lose their leaves first?".  We've been working on our scientific enquiry skills to investigate it.  We decided by a unanimous vote that it was a mix of leaves coming off first, and that our first prediction of it being the biggest (heaviest) leaves, wasn't actually correct.  In fact, it had more to do with the sunlight and chlorphyll.
We discussed the very important topic in geography this week of deforestation. We looked at the impact that it is having on both the Amazon rainforest and our forests and woodland areas in this country, and the animals that live in these locations. We made posters to help raise awareness of this issue.

In RE we've been thinking about what morals are and discussing Peter and the Wolf and the The Elephant and the Ants.

Have a lovely rest and we will see you all after a week off where we will hopefully see some lovely weather! 

Mrs Parker, Mrs McLoughlin, Mrs Cooper, Miss Littler and Mrs Pearce 

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Hot and cold places

admin on: Class 1

20th October 2023

During the past two weeks in art, we have been finishing our hot and cold colour washes. We looked closely at animals that live in these places and created detailed drawings of a variety of animals. We then cut them out and stuck them onto our colour washes. We decided that these paintings made us feel very differently, depending on which we were looking at. We felt nice and warm looking at the hot colour washes and cooler when looking at the cold colour washes. 




At the start of a new school year, the school chooses new house captains for our houses; Pitcher, Booth, Hayley-Porteous and Stewart. Children in Year 6 wrote speeches if they were interested in running for these roles and recorded them for us to watch. In class, we listened to the speeches, which were fantastic, and then democratically voted for who we thought would make a good house captain. Our votes were put with the results of the other classes in school and the house captain and vice-captain were announced in assembly on Friday. 

In RE we have been talking about stories and what we can learn from them, as part of our learning about special books. We looked at The Hare and the Tortoise, and then The Good Samaritan.

Have a good rest, ready for the last week of the first half term in Year One!

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Amazing atlases!

admin on: Class 1

13th October 2023

In geography this week, we used an atlas to located the Amazon Rainforest as part of our hot and cold places topic. We discovered that most rainforests are near the equator which makes the climate topical. We then compared forest that are found in the United Kingdom to the Amazon Rainforest.  


What a wonderful Autumn morning we had in the woods!  We sorted lots of different kinds of seeds; conkers, acorns and pine cones and then pretended to be squirrels hiding acorns to eat when Winter comes. While we had our snack we read a really funny story about two squirrels who were chasing the same pine cone. Some of us made squirrel swing using our knot tying skills, we cooked up a squirrel feast in our mud kitchen and used our engineering ideas to think of ways to transport the nuts down the hill. Before we came in for lunch we tried to remember where we had hidden our acorns. Now we know how clever squirrels are!



In maths, we have been learning about part-whole models and how they can help us with our addition. We also learnt how to write number sentences with the plus symbol, +, and the equal to symbol, =. 


I hope the weather dries up for you this weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Harvest festival

admin on: Class 1

6th October 2023

All this week, we have been bringing in donations for the food bank at Thongsbridge. We collected everything that had been donated, from all classes in school, in our hall. Wow! We couldn't believe how much had been brought in and cannot thank everyone enough for their kindness and generosity!

On Wednesday, we took part in NFU Education's Harvest Live! We looked at how to make a delicious Palak Paneer dish. We learnt how to grow onions, spinach and coriander, along with understand which part of the plant they come from and how to prepare them safely. We then went on a quest to discover where the milk we needed to make the paneer cheese came from, meeting the robots who do the milking and feeding the calves on Farmer Elaine's diary farm.




This week in Science we have been asking the question 'Does the wind change direction?'.  We looked at the Beaufort Scale, acted out some different winds and then had a trip outside to see how we could tell what direction the wind was blowing in.  This is all part of our learning about Autumn and Winter and being able to observe changes in the seasons and describe weather!

I hope you warm up warm this weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Who is special to us?

admin on: Class 1

29th September 2023

In our PSHE session this week, we started looking at our new topic, who is special to us. We thought about our families and discovered that this is just one of the groups that I belong to. We realised that we are part of groups outside of school, like swimming, gymnastics and rainbows, and we are part of groups in school, like our class, our friendship group and many more. We then drew what our families look like, what our class looks like and what other groups we belong to. 


Linked with our English topic, The Tiger who came to tea, we watched the animated version to see how it was the same and how it was different to the original book. We then looked at facts all about tigers and wrote fact files about these beautiful creatures. 


In computing, we thought about what technology is and how it can be useful to us both in school and outside of school. We then discovered which technologies could help us do jobs like cleaning the house and going to sleep.



Have a wonderful weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx 

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