
Primary School


Class 1

First half term complete!

admin on: Class 1

21st October 2022

We have made it! 
I would just like to take this time to thank everyone for all their hard work this first half term in Year 1! We really do appreciate the work that everyone is doing at home and it is starting to reflect in the work in school. We are super proud of how all of the children have settled in and adapted to life in Year 1! 

A massive thank you to everyone who donated to our harvest food bank appeal. We were overwhelmed with all of the donations. We learnt all about where the food is going and how it will help our community. Also, we have been learning 2 harvest songs, during singing assembly, which we sung together, as a school, and we all sounded amazing!

We have had a busy last week but ended it with something incredibly special! 

Today, we have met our Year 4 buddies for the first time!

We have such a wonderful afternoon with them where we did lots of different Halloween crafts. We painted our hands and printed them to make spiders, cut bananas and oranges to make pumpkins and ghosts, made pumpkins, used PurpleMash and make halloween puppets!

We would just like to thank Mrs Matthews, Miss Hewitt and all of Year 4 who were all so kind and caring. We are looking forward to doing lots of other activities with our buddies throughout the year! 



Again, thank you for all of your hard work and support during this first half term in Year 1! 

Have a lovely rest and we will see you all after a week off where we will hopefully see some lovely weather! 

Mrs Parker, Mrs McLoughlin and Mrs Robertson 

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Marvellous Maths

admin on: Class 1

14th October 2022

I can't believe we are in week 6 already! Time has really flown by here in school! 

In maths, we have been starting to look at part-whole models and how these can help us partition numbers and also help us with our addition. We rolled dice twice to generate numbers before putting the amounts in the hands of an alien. We then helped alien work out the whole number by adding the parts together. We then wrote number sentences on whiteboards which represented the aliens whole number and part numbers. 


During music sessions this half term, we have been learning to listen to a pieces of music and think about different elements of it. We might have to listen to see if the piece of music is smooth and spiky, listen to see if it is fast or slow and we have even been giving our own opinions as to whether we like the music or not. How much fun we have had having mutual respect of and tolerence of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith, which is part of our British Values. 

We were given Munch last week for becoming so independent eating our lunch and tidying away our lunchtime plates. He has sat in our classroom, on our interactive whiteboard, watching our amazing work this week and we took him with us to our star table lunch today. He even tried to pinch our lunch but we have loved having Munch visit us! 



We have read old and new versions of the Three Little Pigs in our outdoor learning sessions and this week we had a go at telling the story together in our own words. There was a LOT of huffing and puffing! We used clay and natural materials to make our own little pigs and then worked together to build houses for them.



Have a lovely weekend and only 1 more week to go!
Mrs P and the Year 1 Team xxx

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Animal fun!

admin on: Class 1

7th October 2022

On Tuesday, we were lucky enough to join in a virtual event hosted by Read, the bookshop in Holmfirth. We joined lots of other schools to hear the author, Sophie Henn, talk about her book series Lifesize. We really enjoyed listening to Sophie tell us the facts she learned researching her books and joining in with her activities like flapping our wings like humming birds and drawing our very own red pandas. Did you know the giant squid could only just fit into our classroom as it is so massive! Thank you Read and Sophie Henn for this wonderful experience! 





As the days get shorter and we move into Autumn, we are thinking about animal shelters in our outdoor learning afternoons. This week we read a very old version of The Three Little Pigs and had a go at choosing different construction materials to build houses for our own little pigs. Snowdrop group had some some fantastic ideas and it was great to see lots of cooperation and teamwork.



During computing, we have been learning how to save our work on PurpleMash. We continued to develop our fine motor skills by using the track pad to colour in different pictures! 

Hope the rain stays away and you don't get swept away by the wind!

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Harvest time!

admin on: Class 1

30th September 2022

Today, we watched the NFU Harvest Live session. We looked at different food and decided whether they were a stem, leaf, root, fruit or seed and learnt all about what happens during a cereals harvest. We then created the world's biggest virtual combine harvester by replicating the actions of this machine.



After the session, our class went out to our school field and harvested the apples growing on our apple trees. We tasted these in the afternoon and they were delicious! 



This week we went outside to think about how the seasons change and how daylight hours become shorter as we move into Autumn. In our story the 3 Little Pigs had a problem; they need to build strong shelters before it got too dark in the evenings. We thought about all the animals in the wild who start to build shelters at this time of year, all ready for the colder weather and darker evenings that are on the way.



Hope the weather warms up for you! 

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Gliding across the week!

admin on: Class 1

23rd September 2022

During our dance session we have been looking at different seasons. This week we looked at winter and thought how we could move our legs and arms, imagining we were wrapped up warm on some ice. We watched an ice skater and how she moved herself across the ice then tried to replicate this in our hall. We watched each other and gave 1 star and 1 wish for different performances. How fantastic we all were, gliding, jumping and turning across the 'ice'! 



This week in Science, we have made a rain gauge as we observe the weather. Every day we are now excitedly checking and measuring the amount of rain fall and the temperature, recording it on our class weather chart.
In maths, we have been introduced to a new concept! We used Coco the Crocodile to help understand the greater than and less than symbols, using our hands to munch the bigger numbers. 
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Mrs P and the Year 1 Team xxx

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