2nd July Update
Posted: Jul 2, 2021 by: Liam Kershaw (LKershaw) on: Class 5
Good afternoon!
First of all, I am delighted that the news has finally being shared with you that I am moving up with this class into Year 6. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know this class and did feel our year was fractured by a lockdown, so I am thrilled that I get to see them through to the end of primary school. We will be working hard and having lots more fun next year, I'm sure!
Sports Day was a huge success. The children really enjoyed it. Frazer said, 'it was nice to have some normality back!' and I have to say, I agree! Here are some pictures of the day. Keep an eye on the website where Miss Kelly will be sharing some videos of the event as well.
Thanks for all your support and I will see you at the virtual transition evening on Tuesday 6th July.
Mr. K