21.5.21 Update
Posted: May 21, 2021 by: Liam Kershaw (LKershaw) on: Class 5
This week in Class 5 we have carried on with 'Our World' topic, with a science focus. On Wednesday, we looked at irreversible changes. The children observed the burning of a candle where the flame was placed close to a ceramic tile and they observed the solid carbon that was created as a result. They then mixed vinegar with bicarbonate of soda to see another irreversible change. On Friday, we looked at the everyday uses of plastics and why they became so popular over the 20th century. We then looked at the unfortunate consequences of our overreliance on plastic and how we can start making changes in our life away from plastic. The children looked at examples of single-use plastic such as plastic straws, carrier bags and plastic cutlery. I must hasten to add that these were not bought for this lesson and were donated by members of staff and will be used next year for the same lesson!
Here are some pictures of the children examining their single-use plastic.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr. K