
Primary School


Class 4 Blog


Week ending 10th May

Posted: May 12, 2024 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone,

We had another wonderful week in class 4 and ended the week on a great big high with our singing performance in Holmfirth Parish Church. What a wonderful way to open the Holmfirth Folk Festival! The children were all absolutely amazing! We have been practising each of the songs for a number of weeks now and it was so worth it! The children were all brilliant. Phil Needham, the organiser and musician, even commented on how well the children sang; I was so very proud of every single one of them. Please enjoy the photos taken during the event in the church on Friday afternoon.

The children have all been very busy working on their Egyptian adventure stories this week; we are looking forwards to reading their final drafts on Monday. The children have certainly risen to the challenge of creating their very own exciting stories.

Class 4 are very much enjoying our Ancient Egyptians topic; they have finally all completed their headdresses and will be using clay to recreate some of the Egyptian artefacts next too. Each of the children are thoroughly enjoying creating fact files as they research the lives of the Ancient Egyptians.

Badminton has certainly been a hit in P.E. Now the children have developed more confidence in their serving and returning skills, they have loved using the nets and playing doubles matches. Next week we will try a mini tournament; it should be fun as the children are becoming more and more skilled and certainly more competitive.

We are all looking forwards to practising orienteering skills on Monday afternoon. Fingers crossed, we will have some more dry weather!

Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful weekend!

See you on Monday,

Mrs Matthews and Mrs Pearce



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