
Primary School


Home Learning


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Monday Home learning 22nd June

Posted: Jun 19, 2020 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 3

Good morning everyone!

First, our photo gallery....


Charlie's Mousehole landscape!                             Archie's Sun Safety poster!


Emma's Sun Safety poster!                                      Mia working on her Mousehole landscape!


Sophie delivering her beautiful rainbow cake to the team of paramedics at Honley Ambulance Station; what a lovely thank you Sophie!

    Here's Grace's Mousehole landscape!                         Max Cooper's story map!


Oscar's Mousehole storm painting!                    Arjeta has been working hard on her Mousehole storm too!

Well done everyone!

Now here are some activities for Monday! Remember, please don't feel you must do them all today; select those you can manage and save others for another time.


I have set a 2Do for you on Purple Mash; select either Diamonds; 'Anna and the third leaf' chapter 1 and questions (these books are easier than Emeralds)


Emeralds; 'Animal Boy' chapter 1 and questions 

If you prefer a different text please do select one. Some children may find 'Fire Bolt' texts a little easier or Sapphires for a trickier book.


Today please could you complete the 'Root Words' activity in your grammar text book pg 36. Remember a root word is the original word to which a prefix or suffix is added.

This will help to consolidate the Purple Mash activity the children completed last week.


8 questions;

  1. Subtract 200 from 456
  2. 453 plus 228
  3. 34 x 4 
  4. 54 x 5
  5. Add 50 to 428
  6. Subtract 238 from 472
  7. 1/3 of 39
  8. How many angles in an octagon?


If I bought 4 ice lollies costing 43p each and an ice cream costing 55p how much will I have spent all together?


Let's try solving some problems concerning frequency tables. Have a go at either section A, B or C 


At some point this week you might want to try and bake a very tasty chocolate crispie cake with Mum or Dad as a reward for working so hard during 'lockdown'. Once you have done that, I have set a great 2Do on Purple Mash; it's a fun way to create a simple recipe for the chocolate crispie cake; you'll enjoy it! It will help you practise your computing skills too!

Print it out if you can and I can post yours on the blog!!

Have a lovely day and do enjoy your activities tomorrow; Mrs Kendall will be setting you some tasks tomorrow as she and Miss Watkins will be teaching year 4 next year! They are both so lovely! I bet you'll be doing some super activities!

I'll be back in touch on Wednesday!

Miss you all!

See you soon,

Mrs Matthews


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