
Primary School



National Careers Week 2024

Posted: Mar 4, 2024 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: School Blog

8th March 2024

This week has been national careers week and we have had lots of different adults come and visit us to tell us about their jobs. 

On Monday, we had Harry Dyson, who was a barrister, and he described what he had to do in his job and how he decided to become a barrister. We found out that he went to school in Honley, which is really near us!  He also showed us the wig and cloak that he has to wear when he is going into court. Thank you so much Harry for coming to explain your job and potentially inspire new barristers. 


On Tuesday, we had a visit from Duncan, who is a development chef, and Lorna, who is a nutritionist. Duncan spoke to the children about how he choose to became a chef and the previous jobs he did. He explained that he has worked in lots of different restaurants, hotels and now designs menus for different schools and hospitals. Lorna spoke about how we need to eat the correct food to have a balanced diet and how she helps businesses to ensure that this is happening. Thank you Duncan and Lorna, we were all very hungry after your visits, explaining your jobs and we look forward to working with you in the future!  


On Wednesday, Jane Raleigh came to visit us who is a Neuro Physiotherapist. She talk to us about what she has to do every day and how she changes it every visit she does to adapt to the patients needs. She explain the qualifications that children who need to get in order to do her job. Jane then told us about the different people she has visited on Tuesday which included adults and children. Her daughter, Lois, came up to the front and demonstrated some activities that can help people in their sessions. Thank you so much Jane, both children and teachers found this useful and informative! 




On Thursday, Key Stage 2 had a visit from Kathy Lee came to talk to the children about her job as a book keeper and owning her own accountancy company. She explained her day-to-day tasks and even showed the children an example account (a made-up one!). Kathy showed how maths is really important to help 'balance' the money coming in and going out of accounts. The children had lots of questions which Kathy gladly answered. A big thank you from Key Stage 2!

On Friday, Nick Raleigh came to visit us. He is an initial contact officer for the police and he described the qualities you need to listen to people as you are the first people who is contacted when someone is in trouble. Nick also explain that you need to call 999 in an emergency bu use 101 when it is not an emergency. He gave us some examples of phone calls that he had taken in the previous week and we have to decide if they were a emergency and we would need to call 999 or if we could have dealt with it ourselves or called 101. This was so useful Nick, thank you for coming in! 
We have had a fantastic week learning about different jobs and we ave some other visit coming in later in the school year as well. If you are interested in visiting us to talk about your job, please contact the school office on as we would love to hear about the amazing job that you have! 
Mrs Parker  


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